Such, then, is the history, according to their various species
and their peculiar conformations, of all the animals within the
compass of our knowledge. It now remains for us to speak of
the vegetable productions of the earth, which are equally far
from being destitute of a vital spirit,[1] (for, indeed, nothing can
live without it), that we may then proceed to describe the minerals extracted from it, and so none of the works of Nature may
be passed by in silence. Long, indeed, were these last bounties of hers concealed beneath the ground, the trees and forests
being regarded as the most valuable benefits conferred by Nature upon mankind. It was from the forest that man drew
his first aliment, by the leaves of the trees was his cave rendered more habitable, and by their bark was his clothing supplied; even at this very day,[2] there are nations that live
under similar circumstances to these. Still more and more,
then, must we be struck with wonder and admiration, that
from a primæval state such as this, we should now be cleaving
the mountains for their marbles, visiting the Seres[3] to obtain
our clothing, seeking the pearl in the depths of the Red Sea,
and the emerald in the very bowels of the earth. For our
adornment with these precious stones it is that we have devised
those wounds which we make in our ears; because, forsooth,
it was deemed not enough to carry them on our hands, our
necks, and our hair, if we did not insert them in our very flesh
as well. It will be only proper, then, to follow the order of
human inventions, and to speak of the trees before treating of